What are the similarities and differences between Christian and Hindu beliefs and practices associated with dying, death and the afterlife?

Troy Bersais

1. Christians believe that their God created the world from nothing whereas the Hindus believe that the world is a part of their God.
2. The Hindus believe in morality is practical. With Christianity they believe the law is the word of god and that is the last word.
3. In the East, human experience validates the Scriptures, in the West, Scripture judge’s experience.
4. In Hinduism there are many levels of truth and polytheism, Christianity is public, democratic and open to all.
5. According to Eastern mysticism. Not that we’re not real, but that we are not distinct from God or each other. Christianity tells you to love your neighbours Hinduism tells you are your neighbours.
6. Since individuality is illusion, so is free will. If free will is illusion, so is sin. And if sin is illusion, so is hell. Perhaps the strongest attraction of Eastern religions is in their denial of sin, guilt and hell.
7. There are 2 essential points of Christianity sin and salvation none of that is in the east no salvation is needed, only enlightenment.
8. Body, matter, history and time itself are not independently real, according to Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity are essentially news, events in time
9. The ultimate Hindu ideal is not sanctity but mysticism. Sanctity is fundamentally a matter of the will: willing God’s will, loving God and neighbour. Mysticism is fundamentally a matter of intellect, intuition, consciousness. This fits the Eastern picture of God as consciousness — not will, not lawgiver.

Source – http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/apologetics/ap0008.html (18/2/08)

Jamie Threlfo

New life Hinduism

When a baby is born the parents tell the priest. The priest find out the positions of the planets and constellations at the exact time of the baby’s birth the priest dose this because Hindus believe that the stars and planets influences the baby’s life. Then the priest uses the horoscope to tell the parents which letter the baby’s name should begin with.

Death Hinduism

When a Hindu dies, his/her body is washed, Dressed in new clothes and flowers are put around the body. The family shows respect by bringing flowers and touching the dead persons feet. The body is put on a pyre and the fire should be lit by the dead person’s eldest son. Hindus believe that the fire helps the soul to move on to its new destination and the ashes are put in to a holy river.

New life for Christians

When a child is born they have a ceremony called baptism Baptism is the sacramental act of cleansing in water that admits one as a full member of the Church. Most Christians, such as Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Lutherans, are baptized as infants. Baptists and certain other groups baptize only after a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior. Most Christians baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit but some baptize in Jesus’ name only.

Death for Christians

The Jews and most of the nations of Christians buried their dead. Amongst the Greeks and Romans both cremation and interment were practiced indifferently. The early Christians used only burial. But now Christians use burial and cremation.


Source – The Hindu Experience by Liz Aylett and Kevin O’Donnell (18/2/08)

Chris Azzi

The difference between Christian and Hindus is that Hindus do not believe that Jesus is the son of God and Christians believe in one god and Hindus believe in many gods. Hindus have gods for everything like they have a good for the west and for the east and for the south and for the north they have many gods as us Christian we have only one god for all of us. Hindus pray different because Christians do the sign of the cross and Hindus don’t do the sign of cross. Hindus do not believe in after life as Christian does believe in after life. But Hindus do believe in heaven and hell if they are bad the go to hell if they are good there go to heaven Hindus have got 526 gods as Christian only have 1.When Hindus go to pray they do not have a priest they got this guy called Pandit.

Source – http://www.hinduwebsite.com/heavenhell.asp (18/2/08)

David Trang

Hinduism and Christianity are two different religions with a vast difference in their specific belief. This means that their teachings, stories and main goals differ but the afterlife and heaven are generally the same. In Hinduism we find spiritual perfection while in Christianity we find heaven. Hinduism teaches Karma and Christianity teaches Jesus’ past. Both religions teach how to clean our soul. In everyday life the Hindu’s believe in their many Gods while in Christianity we believe in only one God. They have 3 primary Gods which many Hindu’s believe they act together as one. As for Christians we believe in God but in three figures: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hinduism is approximately 3500 years old while Christianity started 2000 years ago after the death of Jesus Christ. Christianity is a very common religion with 2 billion followers while Hinduism only has 800 million. Hinduism and Christianity have great beliefs in heaven however Hinduism there is many concepts in their type of heaven. For example the worshipers of Vishnu believe they will go to heaven with no suffering or fear. In the Christian’s point of view is more complete to its believers. Heaven is a place which deals mainly with Jesus, the son, the God, the father and also the Holy Spirit. The main belief for Hinduism is that all living things have souls and must achieve perfection in a spiritual way. In Christianity within the same Earthly body goes through the similar series of births and deaths within the life expectancy in that body only. The birth and death in Christianity is through the sin and repentance. When we sin part of our soul dies and when we repent the dead part of our soul is then reborn and becomes stronger. In Hinduism if the particular person has lived an evil life the soul will be born into a much lower state. The bottom line of that is if you are evil you shall pay the consequences.

This fact is true in Christianity as well although the punishment through the years is a lot more ceased. People that have done good deeds find themselves throughout heaven while the evil find them in hell. In both Hinduism and Christianity and Hinduism we live for the glory of God. Both religions promote similar rules for e.g. love ones neighbour, respect our peers and also God. In both religions they all use water. As for Christians there are many ways of cleansing including Baptism in which water is poured on the head of the recipient. In Hinduism water plays a bigger role in their religion. The Hindu worshipers cleanse themselves in a bath before entering any temples. Hinduism’s concept of Gods is so influential throughout its history that they have a great respect for each of their Gods. There are statues and paintings of Hindu Gods outside of India which are highly regarded as symbols for peace and harmony. The role of Gods in Hinduism as a face in everyday life has grown so large that they are sometimes even considered as friends and companions. Many people tend to believe in just one God and pray to them at their home. The Christian’s belief of God is no less widespread but more subtle. Christian’s believe in one God that spreads through everyone and everything which will guide us through life.

Source –http://www.helium.com/tm/146711/hinduism-christianity-different-their

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